
Get Your Free Book! $1 Billion SEO Secrets - Volume 2 (Updated July 2024)

Navigating a Shadow Ban to Digital Success in Less Than Three Months! (September – December 2023)

HOTBOX Pizza Case Study


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Driving Business Growth Through Conversion Rate Optimization and SEO

In a remarkable three-month period, HOTBOX transformed its digital strategy to overcome the challenges posed by a shadow ban. This case study delves into the innovative tactics and significant results achieved in organic reach, engagement, and influencer collaboration.


Overcoming The Shadow Ban

  • Shadow Ban Impact: Restricted visibility an reduced content reach.
  • Strategic Response: Comprehensive strategy revision to align with platform guidelines and enhance organic visibility
Social Media Management Overview
  • Content Audit and Revamp: Refining content to align with social media policies and improve organic visibility.
  • Engagement Focus: Boosting audience interactions to organically increase reach and engagement.
  • Diverse Content Formats: Using a variety of content types to enhance visibility.
    Influencer Strategy: Leveraging existing networks and user-generated content (UGC) to amplify reach and authenticity. This involved collaborating with influencers to create and share content that resonates with their followers, thereby extending HOTBOX’s reach beyond its immediate audience.
Food and beverage marketing

Achievements Overview

Organic Reach (Post-Shadow Ban)

  • Non-followers Reached: 4,075 (+65.8% increase)
  • New Followers: 2,911 (31.6% increase)
  • Total Users Reached: 6,986 (97.4% increase)
  • Total Organic Reach: 20,536

Organic Impressions

  • Total Impressions: 48,697 (70.8% increase)

Profile Activity

  • Profile Visits: 3,746 (100% increase)
  • External Link Taps: 498 (169% increase)
  • Total Activities: 4,244 (107% increase)


  • Followers Engaged: 435 (26.6% increase)
  • Non-followers Engaged: 1,191 (193% increase)
  • Followers Engaged: 441 (54.4% increase)
  • Non-followers Engaged: 148 (108% increase)
  • Total Engagement Increase: 162.4%

Content Interactions

  • In-feed Interactions: 1,991 (135% increase)
  • Reel Interactions: 467 (407% increase)
  • Story Interactions: 33 (120% increase)
  • Total Interaction Increase: 662%

HOTBOX Pizza SEO Overview

HOTBOX, a popular pizza and roast beef restaurant, embarked on a comprehensive SEO strategy. This case study highlights their remarkable progress in search engine rankings for several targeted keywords.


Keyword Ranking Milestones

“Hotbox Pizza”

    • Achieved and maintained the top position (Rank 1) consistently.
    • Improved from an initial base ranking of 11.

“Bow Market Somerville”

  • Improved from not ranking to peaking at Rank 6.
  • Demonstrated a significant upward trend from a base rank outside the top 100.

“Somerville Pizza”

  • Increased visibility with a rise to Rank 9.
  • Original base ranking was 62, indicating substantial progress.

“Pizza in Somerville”

  • Reached Rank 14, up from a base ranking of 49.
  • Consistent improvement in a highly competitive keyword category.

“Hot Box Pizza”

  • Dominated the top spot (Rank 1) after not being in the top 100 initially.
  • Showed rapid improvement and strong search presence.

“North Shore Roast Beef”

  • Improved to Rank 9 from not being ranked initially.
  • Significant visibility in a niche category.

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Strategic SEO Implementation

  • Website Optimization: Focused on enhancing the user experience and keyword integration on https://www.eathotbox.com/.
  • Content Strategy: Developed engaging and relevant content to resonate with the target audience, ensuring keyword alignment.
  • Backlinking and Local SEO: Strengthened HOTBOX’s backlink profile and improved local SEO for better visibility in location-specific searches.

Influencer Results

  • Influencer Activations: 18
  • Collaborative Reels Views: 127,776
  • Reach for In-Feed Posts: 31,256
  • Unique Pieces of Content: 19

Frequently Asked Questions

By leveraging influencer networks and user-generated content, HOTBOX expanded its reach and authenticity, engaging a broader audience and effectively bypassing the limitations imposed by the shadow ban.
UGC played a crucial role in building authentic connections with the audience, enhancing content diversity, and providing social proof, all of which contributed to increased engagement and reach.
Yes, these adaptable and creative strategies can be instrumental for any business looking to enhance its digital presence amidst challenges like shadow bans.

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