
Get Your Free Book! $1 Billion SEO Secrets - Volume 2 (Updated August 2024)

Driving Business Growth Through Conversion Rate Optimization and SEO for PC&Cable

PC&Cable Case Study

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Boosting Online Visibility and Traffic through an SEO-Optimized WordPress Website

When PC&Cable, a company offering a range of IT services, approached BizeeBay to create a WordPress website optimized for SEO, we were eager to help them achieve their goals. In less than four months, we not only developed a professional website but also drove rankings for ten high-performing keywords, increasing online visibility and traffic to their business. This case study highlights the process and outstanding results achieved through our partnership with PC-Cable.

The Challenge

PC&Cable needed a new WordPress website that would not only showcase their services but also be optimized for search engines to improve their online visibility. They wanted to rank in the top 3 for ten high-performing keywords to drive more organic traffic and ultimately generate more leads for their business.

The BizeeBay Solution

Website Development

Our web development team created a professional and user-friendly WordPress website for PC&Cable. The site incorporated the latest design trends and focused on showcasing their services while maintaining a responsive and easy-to-navigate interface.

Search Engine Optimization

Our SEO experts conducted comprehensive keyword research and competitor analysis to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for PC&Cable. We then optimized the website’s content, meta tags, URLs, and internal linking structure to target these keywords effectively.

Keyword Monitoring & Reporting

Throughout the four-month period, we monitored the performance of the targeted keywords and provided PC-Cable with regular reports on their rankings and progress. This allowed us to make necessary adjustments and refinements to ensure continued success in their SEO efforts.

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Let The Results Do The Talking

In less than four months, BizeeBay successfully ranked PC-Cable in the top 3 for the following ten high-performing keywords


  1. Computer Repair Service Near Me
  2. Network Cabling Installation
  3. Computer Networking Services
  4. Security Camera Installation in Houston
  5. CCTV Installation Houston
  6. Computer Networking & Security services
  7. Computer Cabling Services
  8. Access Control Systems League City

The high rankings for these keywords led to a significant increase in organic traffic to PC-Cable’s website, boosting their online visibility and generating more leads for their business.

Why We Do What We Do

The PC-Cable case study showcases BizeeBay’s expertise in creating an SEO-optimized WordPress website and driving success through targeted keyword rankings. Our team’s dedication and commitment to understanding PC&Cable’s unique needs allowed us to deliver outstanding results in a relatively short period. By ranking in the top 3 for ten high-performing keywords, we were able to enhance PC&Cable’s online visibility, driving more traffic and generating leads for their business. The continued success of PC-Cable demonstrates the lasting value we bring to our clients, and we are proud to have played a role in their ongoing growth.

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